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Department of Health
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reviews and synthesis Reviews and synthesis Lorelei Jones


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patients How patients choose and how providers respond Anna Dixon
Department of Health
competition Investigation of competition under fixed prices Carol Propper
University of Bristol
providers Provider diversity in the NHS: Impact on quality and innovation Will Bartlett
University of Bristol
comparative case studies Comparative case studies on the impact of the health reforms Martin Powell
University of Birmingham

Effects of health reform on health care inequalities

Richard Cookson
University of York

Identifying which commissioning processes produce successful outcomes

Alicia O'Cathain
University of Sheffield
commissioning Competencies for "World Class Commissioning": The readiness of PCTs and PBCs Angela Bate
Newcastle University
cultural change An assessment of behavioural and cultural change in the NHS Michael West
Lancaster University Management School
long term conditions

Care planning in the treatment of long term conditions

Peter Bower
University of Manchester
personal health budgets

Evaluation of the Personal Health Budgets pilots

Julien Forder
University of Kent

Learning about and learning from the implementation and impact of the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) payment framework

Ruth McDonald
University of Nottingham
cquin Evaluation of Community Foundation Trusts project Pauline Allen
cquin National Evaluation of Payment by Results Shelley Farrar
University of Aberdeen
Last updated: 13 August 2013
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